
Media elements are used to present audio data, or video and audio data, to the user. This is referred to as media data in this section, since this section applies equally to media elements for audio or for video.

Supported Platform(s)

- BlackBerry OS 6.0+
- BlackBerry PlayBook

View Supported Platform Table

APIOS 5.0OS 6.0OS 7.0PlayBookRipple
addTrack   Y Y Y 
canPlayType   Y Y Y 
load   Y Y Y 
pause   Y Y Y 
play   Y Y Y 
autoplay   Y Y Y 
controls   Y Y Y 
currentSRC   Y Y Y 
currentTime   Y Y Y 
defaultPlaybackRate   Y Y Y 
duration   Y Y Y 
ended   Y Y Y 
error   Y Y Y 
initialTime   Y Y Y 
loop   Y Y Y 
muted   Y Y Y 
networkState   Y Y Y 
paused   Y Y Y 
playbackRate   Y Y Y 
played   Y Y Y 
preload   Y Y Y 
readyState   Y Y Y 
seekable   Y Y Y 
seeking   Y Y Y 
src   Y Y Y 
startOffsetTime   Y Y Y 
textTracks   Y Y Y 
volume   Y Y Y 

Configuration Document Settings

To use all of the API described for this object, you must ensure the following settings are in your configuration document:

This API does not require a <feature> element to be declared in the configuration document of your BlackBerry WebWorks Application.

Permission Elements (PlayBook Only)
This API does not require a <permission> element to be declared in the configuration document of your BlackBerry WebWorks Application.


MutableTextTrack addTrack(kind : String, label : String, language : String)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Creates and returns a new MutableTextTrack object, which is also added to the media element's list of text tracks.

Parameter Type Description
kind String Kind is one of the following strings "subtitles", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata"
label String Text track label
language String Language of the text track


void canPlayType(type : String)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Returns the empty string (a negative response), "maybe", or "probably" based on how confident the user agent is that it can play media resources of the given type.

Parameter Type Description
type String The media type you are trying to play, for example: "application/octet-stream;codecs=theora" would return an empty string.


void load()

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Causes the element to reset and start selecting and loading a new media resource from scratch.


void pause()

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Pause playback of the video.


void play()

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Play the video. If the video has ended, the player will seek to the beginning and start again.


Property Type Description Supported Platform(s)
autoplay Boolean If true, the user agent will automatically begin playback of the media resource as soon as it can do so without stopping.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
controls Boolean Indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
currentSRC String
The currentSrc IDL attribute is initially the empty string. If absolute URL in 'src' was obtained successfully, set the currentSrc attribute to absolute URL.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
currentTime Number The currentTime attribute must, on getting, return the current playback position, expressed in seconds. On setting, the user agent must seek to the new value (which might raise an exception).
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
defaultPlaybackRate Number The defaultPlaybackRate attribute gives the desired speed at which the media resource is to play, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. The attribute is mutable: on getting it must return the last value it was set to, or 1.0 if it hasn't yet been set; on setting the attribute must be set to the new value.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
duration Number
The duration attribute must return the time of the end of the media resource, in seconds.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
ended Boolean
The ended attribute must return true if the media element has ended playback and the direction of playback is forwards, and false otherwise.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
error MediaError | null
Returns a MediaError object representing the current error state of the element. Returns null if there is no error.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
initialTime Number
return the initial playback position, expressed in seconds.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
loop Boolean If set to "true", the loop attribute indicates that the media element is to seek back to the start of the media resource upon reaching the end.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
muted Boolean Must return true if the audio channels are muted and false otherwise.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
networkState Number | HTMLMediaElement.NETWORK_EMPTY | HTMLMediaElement.NETWORK_IDLE | HTMLMediaElement.NETWORK_LOADING | HTMLMediaElement.NETWORK_NO_SOURCE
As media elements interact with the network, their current network activity is represented by the networkState attribute. On getting, it must return the current network state of the element
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
paused Boolean
The paused attribute represents whether the media element is paused or not. The attribute must initially be true.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
playbackRate Number The playbackRate attribute gives the speed at which the media resource plays, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. If it is not equal to the defaultPlaybackRate, then the implication is that the user is using a feature such as fast forward or slow motion playback. The attribute is mutable: on getting it must return the last value it was set to, or 1.0 if it hasn't yet been set; on setting the attribute must be set to the new value, and the playback must change speed (if the element is potentially playing).
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
played TimeRanges
The played attribute must return a new static normalized TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent has so far rendered, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
preload String The preload attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. The attribute may be ignored altogether, for example based on explicit user preferences or based on the available connectivity.

The preload attribute is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute � the keywords in the left column map to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.

<table>l <thead><tr> <th>Keyword</th> <th>State</th> <th>Brief description</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><code>none</code></td> <td>None</td> <td>Hints to the user agent that either the author does not expect the user to need the media resource, or that the server wants to minimise unnecessary traffic.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>metadata</code></td> <td>Metadata</td> <td>Hints to the user agent that the author does not expect the user to need the media resource, but that fetching the resource metadata (dimensions, first frame, track list, duration, etc) is reasonable.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>auto</code></td> <td>Automatic</td> <td>Hints to the user agent that the user agent can put the user\'s needs first without risk to the server, up to and including optimistically downloading the entire resource.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
on getting, return the value described above that describes the current ready state of the media element.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
seekable TimeRanges The seekable attribute must return a new static normalized TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent is able to seek to, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
seeking Boolean Returns true if the user agent is currently seeking. The seeking attribute must initially have the value false.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
src String The src content attribute on media elements gives the address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. The attribute, if present, must contain a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. If a src attribute of a media element is set or changed, the user agent must invoke the media element's media element load algorithm. (Removing the src attribute does not do this, even if there are source elements present).
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
startOffsetTime Date
The startOffsetTime attribute must return a new Date object representing the current timeline offset.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
textTracks TextTrack[]
Returns the TextTrack objects of the text tracks in the media element's list of text tracks, in the same order as in the list of text tracks.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
volume Number Return the playback volume of any audio portions of the media element, in the range 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest). Initially, the volume must be 1.0, but user agents may remember the last set value across sessions, on a per-site basis or otherwise, so the volume may start at other values. On setting, if the new value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, the attribute must be set to the new value.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook


Property Type Description Supported Platform(s)
NETWORK_EMPTY Number The element has not yet been initialized. All attributes are in their initial states.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
NETWORK_IDLE Number The element's resource selection algorithm is active and has selected a resource, but it is not actually using the network at this time.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
NETWORK_LOADING Number The element's resource selection algorithm is active, but it has not yet found a resource to use.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
NETWORK_NO_SOURCE Number The user agent is actively trying to download data.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
HAVE_NOTHING Number No information regarding the media resource is available. No data for the current playback position is available. Media elements whose networkState attribute are set to NETWORK_EMPTY are always in the HAVE_NOTHING state.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
HAVE_METADATA Number Enough of the resource has been obtained that the duration of the resource is available. In the case of a video element, the dimensions of the video are also available. The API will no longer raise an exception when seeking. No media data is available for the immediate current playback position. The text tracks are ready.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
HAVE_CURRENT_DATA Number Data for the immediate current playback position is available, but either not enough data is available that the user agent could successfully advance the current playback position in the direction of playback at all without immediately reverting to the HAVE_METADATA state, or there is no more data to obtain in the direction of playback. For example, in video this corresponds to the user agent having data from the current frame, but not the next frame; and to when playback has ended.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
HAVE_FUTURE_DATA Number Data for the immediate current playback position is available, as well as enough data for the user agent to advance the current playback position in the direction of playback at least a little without immediately reverting to the HAVE_METADATA state. For example, in video this corresponds to the user agent having data for at least the current frame and the next frame. The user agent cannot be in this state if playback has ended, as the current playback position can never advance in this case.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook
HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA Number All the conditions described for the HAVE_FUTURE_DATA state are met, and, in addition, the user agent estimates that data is being fetched at a rate where the current playback position, if it were to advance at the rate given by the defaultPlaybackRate attribute, would not overtake the available data before playback reaches the end of the media resource.
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+
 - BlackBerry PlayBook

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sun Dec 30 2012 13:31:17 GMT-0500 (EST)