
The Push Data object provides access to the data that has arrived as the result of a push.

Supported Platform(s)

- BlackBerry OS 5.0+
- Ripple Emulator

View Supported Platform Table

APIOS 5.0OS 6.0OS 7.0PlayBookRipple
getHeaderField Y Y Y  Y
getRequestURI Y Y Y  Y
getSource Y Y Y  Y
isChannelEncrypted Y Y Y  Y
payload Y Y Y  Y

Configuration Document Settings

To use all of the API described for this object, you must ensure the following settings are in your configuration document:

You must declare the feature element(s) below in your configuration document:

Feature IDOS 5.0OS 6.0OS 7.0PlayBookRipple
<feature id="blackberry.push" /> Y Y Y  Y

Permission Elements (PlayBook Only)
This API does not require a <permission> element to be declared in the configuration document of your BlackBerry WebWorks Application.


static String getHeaderField(field : Object)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Requests the value of a specified header field. This method expires and will throw an exception if called outside of the push callback function.


Returns the value of a header field.

Parameter Type Description
field Object This parameter is either the Integer index or a String name of the header to retrieve.


static String getRequestURI()

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Request the URI of the push request. This method expires and will throw an exception if called outside of the push callback function.


Returns the URI of the push request.


static String getSource()

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Retrieves the source for this push stream. String form of the source of this push; it could be a UID for a connection, IPv4 address, or SMSC. This method expires and will throw an exception if called outside of the push callback function.


Returns the source of the push request.


Property Type Description Supported Platform(s)
isChannelEncrypted Boolean
True if this channel is encrypted; otherwise, false.
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator
payload Blob
The binary data pushed to the device.
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sun Dec 30 2012 13:31:17 GMT-0500 (EST)