
A container to maintain a list of CallLog objects that together represent the call log for phone calls stored in the message list.

Supported Platform(s)

- BlackBerry OS 5.0+
- Ripple Emulator

View Supported Platform Table

APIOS 5.0OS 6.0OS 7.0PlayBookRipple
addPhoneLogListener Y Y Y  Y
callAt Y Y Y  Y
deleteCallAt Y Y Y  Y
find Y Y Y  Y
numberOfCalls Y Y Y  Y

Configuration Document Settings

To use all of the API described for this object, you must ensure the following settings are in your configuration document:

You must declare the feature element(s) below in your configuration document:

Feature IDOS 5.0OS 6.0OS 7.0PlayBookRipple
<feature id="" /> Y Y Y  Y
<feature id="" /> Y Y Y  Y

Permission Elements (PlayBook Only)
This API does not require a <permission> element to be declared in the configuration document of your BlackBerry WebWorks Application.


static Boolean addPhoneLogListener(onCallLogAdded : function, onCallLogRemoved : function, onCallLogUpdated : function, onCallLogReset : function)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Registers PhoneLogListener to listen for call log events.

Register listeners when interested in receiving call log events. When you subscribe more than one callback function, every new callback set will overwrite each previous. To unsubscribe from all callbacks, pass null as a parameter.


Returns true if the listener is assigned

Parameter Type Description
onCallLogAdded function(addedCallLog : This callback function is triggered when a new call log is added.

addedCallLog: Object that contains the CallLog that was added
onCallLogRemoved function(removedCallLog : This callback function is triggered when a call log is removed.

removedCallLog: Object that contains the CallLog that was removed
onCallLogUpdated function(newCallLog :, oldCallLog : This callback function is triggered when a call log is updated.

newCallLog: Object that contains the CallLog that represents the new CallLog
oldCallLog: Object that contains the CallLog that represents the old CallLog
onCallLogReset function() This callback function is triggered when a call log is reset.

Code Example(s)

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Register with phone log listener to be notified with its events
  // Here, we are interested to get notified regarding all possible events other than phone log removal 
  alert("Registering for phone log events.. ");
  var res =,  null, OnCallLogUpdated, OnReset);
  alert("Registered for phone log events: " + res);

  // Invoked when a new call log added
  function OnCallLogAdded(callLog) {
    alert("Call Log Added!");

  // Invoked when a call log has been updated
  function OnCallLogUpdated(newCallLog, oldCallLog) {
    alert("Call Log Updated!");

  // Invoked to reset the log
  function OnReset() {
    alert("Log Reset!");


static CallLog callAt(index : Number, folderID : Number)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Retrieves a particular call from the appropriate log folder by index.


Returns the CallLog specified by the index

Parameter Type Description
index Number The index of the call in the phone log, from 0 to numberOfCalls(folderID) - 1
folderID Number ID of the folder from which to retrieve the call, (one of the FOLDER_* constants)

Code Example(s)

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Display 'normal' call log retrieved at index specified
  var index = 1;
  var res =,;
  alert("CallLog retreived: " + res);


static Boolean deleteCallAt(index : Number, folderID : Number)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Deletes a call from the log. The call will be removed from the appropriate list.


Returns true if the item was successfully deleted

Parameter Type Description
index Number Index of the call log to delete, from 0 to numberOfCalls(folderID) - 1
folderID Number ID of the folder containing the call log to delete (one of the FOLDER_* values).

Code Example(s)

<script type="text/javascript">
  //Display if 'normal' call log was successfully deleted at index specified
  var index = 1;
  var res =,;
  alert("Is deleting normal call at index: " + index + " succeeded? " + res);


static CallLog[] find([filter: FilterExpression], [folderID: Number], [orderBy: String], [maxReturn: Number], [isAscending: Boolean])

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


This method lookup the CallLog that match the expression provided.


The function returns list of CallLogs that match search criteria

Parameter Type Description
filter FilterExpression
optional expression parameter that defines the search criteria for the find. If no value is provided all the Logs are suitable.
folderID Number
optional 'folderID' parameter specifying the folder where to performed find. If 'folderID' is not supplied the search is made in the missed calls folder (FOLDER_MISSED_CALLS).
orderBy String
optional 'orderBy' parameter specifying the field which the results will be sorted by. If 'isAscending' is not supplied or 'isAscending' is true, the sort results will be in an ascending order. If 'isAscending' is false, the sort results will be in a descending order.
maxReturn Number
optional integer parameter specifying the maximum number of results to return from the find. If not supplied or set to -1, it will return all results found.
isAscending Boolean
optional 'isAscending' parameter specifying whether the sort order is ascending or descending. If not supplied or set to true, the results sorted by the field specified by 'orderBy' will be in an ascending order. If set to false, the sort results will be in a descending order. If no 'orderBy' value is specified, 'isAscending' is neglected.

Code Example(s)

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Iterating through array of 'normal' call logs matching the find criteria
  var filter = new"duration", ">", 3);
  var found =,, "duration", 6, false);
  if (found) {
    alert("Length of find return is: " + found.length);

    for (i = 0; i < found.length; i++) {
        alert((i + 1) + "->duration: Duration=" + found[i].duration + ", name:" + found[i].name);


static Number numberOfCalls(folderID : Number)

Supported Platform(s)

 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator


Retrieves the number of calls in a given phone log folder.


Returns number of calls

Parameter Type Description
folderID Number ID of the folder to check (one of the FOLDER_* values).

Code Example(s)

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Display the number of 'missed' call logs
  var res =;
  alert("Number of missed calls: " + res);


Property Type Description Supported Platform(s)
FOLDER_MISSED_CALLS default: 0 Number Folder ID for the missed call folder.
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator
FOLDER_NORMAL_CALLS default: 1 Number Folder ID for other (not missed) calls.
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - Ripple Emulator

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sun Dec 30 2012 13:31:19 GMT-0500 (EST)