
Provides read-only access to a BBM user's information as defined in their BBM profile.

Instances of this object are not created, but are obtained from the BBM platform.

Current User

The current user's BBMPlatformUser instance is blackberry.bbm.platform.self. It also provides the ability to set properties of the current user.

Other Users

You can obtain other users from the following functions/callbacks: and also use BBMPlatformUser extensively.

Supported Platform(s)

- BlackBerry OS 5.0+
- BlackBerry 10
View Supported Platform Table
appVersion Y Y Y     Y 
bbmsdkVersion Y Y Y     Y 
displayName Y Y Y     Y 
displayPicture   Y Y       
handle Y Y Y     Y 
personalMessage Y Y Y     Y 
ppid Y Y Y     Y 
status Y Y Y     Y 
statusMessage Y Y Y     Y 

Configuration Document Settings

To use all of the API described for this object, you must ensure the following settings are in your configuration document:

You must declare the feature element(s) below in your configuration document:

Feature IDBB5.0BB6.0BB7.0PB1.0PB2.0BB10Ripple
<feature id="blackberry.bbm.platform" /> Y Y Y     Y 
Permission Elements (PlayBook and BlackBerry 10+)
You must declare the permission element(s) below in your configuration document:
- <rim:permit>bbm_connect</rim:permit>
BBM APIs require this permission to be set


String appVersion
Number bbmsdkVersion
String displayName
String displayPicture
String handle
String personalMessage
String ppid
String status
String statusMessage


readonly String appVersion

The version of this BBM Connected Application that the user is running.

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly Number bbmsdkVersion

The version of the BBM SDK that the user is running.

  • BBM SDK 1.0: 100
  • BBM SDK 1.2: 120
  • BBM SDK 1.3: 130

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String displayName

The display name.

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String displayPicture

The display picture, encoded as a base64 image string.

This is not supported in BlackBerry OS 5.0

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 6.0+

Code Example:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Show the current user's display picture
var user = blackberry.bbm.platform.self;
var displayPicImg = document.getElementById("displayPicture"); // Must have img tag with id='displayPicture'
displayPicImg.src = user.displayPicture;

readonly String handle

A unique ID representing the user on a specific device. This will be different for the same user on different devices (BlackBerry smartphone, BlackBerry PlayBook, etc.)

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String personalMessage

The personal message.

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String ppid

A unique ID representing the user on all devices. This will be the same for the same user on all devices (BlackBerry smartphone, BlackBerry PlayBook, etc.)

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String status

One of "available" or "busy".

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

readonly String statusMessage

The status message.

Supported Platforms
 - BlackBerry OS 5.0+
 - BlackBerry 10

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Jan 09 2013 15:00:19 GMT-0500 (EST)